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Economic outlook

20 Sep 16 - 19:03

* Yesterday was commemorates the 31 anniversary of the biggest disaster that has had the city of Mexico; 31 years ago at 7:19 AM local time a earthquake oscillatory level trepidatory 8.1° in the Richter scale was felt wrecking the megalopolis of Mexico City, feeling its echoes in almost all parts of our country, leaving thousands dead, the amount is unclear but estimates were hundreds of thousands.

In a earthquake commemoration, a simulation was performed it was held across the country, which was seen not even have civil conscience or are prepared for another earthquake of similar magnitude.

* Moreover since December I have been warning that the dollar would break the goal of $ 20 pesos and clearly i said that when this happens inflation, and global parameters would make it very difficult to return to levels below $ 20, and adding that USA has announced the raising interest rates, the future looks increasingly black at least for our country is nothing we can not overcome, but frankly we have to sacrifice to change the entire people to overcome the tidal wave of problems ahead.

* In the case of USA, one could deduce that they received a surprise (I never before thought) that the leader of that country It could be a person of color; It would be another huge surprise that the leader of one of the most powerful countries in the world now was a woman !! And it is not uncommon as one of the greatest leaders of the world as I remember they called the Iron Lady Margaret Thacher was in England, and remember to Queen Elizabeth II of England ?? We can also remember that in South America has already been countries such as Argentina and Brazil to name a few, who already had the maximum charge a woman, both currently under investigation for corruption, but this should not be a rule. However likewise remember the story, USA and had as President personages that verged on the comic for his performances in the dumbest and heavily criticized around the world, recently recalled the infamous George W Bush (son) whose memes Internet was the talk of everyone and widespread mockery of the leader of one of the most powerful countries on earth.

While if Trump would be the winner in the elections looming in USA, they should meditate the people with half a brain and basic intelligence of kindergarten that the country would be involved in very serious trouble, and why is this ?? Mainly for their statements, there is a biblical maxim that says: "By the mouth the fish dies" and is brewing hatred not only among the people of USA, but these statements come and keep coming by way of insult and affront to hundreds of countries, races and creeds where this cretin want to add to their ranks of hate.

Recall that happened in that Germany collapsed with the recession and hunger, left by the First World War, undiminished and offended lived or died in total dearness, until a fanatic raised his voice and imposed as a rule offend an entire people, making target of his remarks, "we are poor economically, all the problems we have, we feel hunger, and to feel that God left us, etc, etc, etc is because of the Jews !!" Said in his public rants, adding to his long list of culprits homosexuals, people that was not listed within their canons as "Aryans purebred, tall, colored eyes" Sons of Fathers same characteristic German purely, and they swallowed him whole the story regardless that Germans saying that this was a dwarf next to his top generals, was not blond or colored eyes, and to finish was the son of a Jewish !!

Same case with people that hear to Trump, is dumbed-down and hear what they want to hear, stoking hatred, the promise of a better country, if murder or end their enemies, without seeing that Trump is son of immigrant, is a despot always discovered in its television appearances, in his sadly book very void that was bestseller thinking that would give the secrets to be millionaires, but you can tell a person to share when their ex-wives have thrown him in face it has been precisely what has always been abhorrent even with them!! Without any no moral quality, and ethics, with a deep hatred of those who do not have money and perhaps can match or be part of that elite of wealthy entrepreneurs like him, the rest is treated as garbage that can fired, as he did in his sadly show that seeing that decayed in another failure resounding as everyone who has had , as everyone who has been invited stars of the show who were already in a free fall for their problems, and invited them to join his show to be abused, to be his toys to call again the attention of the viewer to see as mocked and treated as garbage to those who were once famous celebrities, diminished in a disposable be in the hands of Trump.

Whose egocentricity does not see limits in Panama Papers showed that the man who announcing loudly, which wants America to again be rich, powerful !! Withdraw all their capital to avoid paying taxes, when those taxes are precisely those that produce HOSPITALS, ROADS AND SERVICES THAT AMERICAN PEOPLE NEED TO HAVE WEALTH AND DESERVES ATTENTION !! unequivocal proof of the lack of ethics and morality twice Trump, one of his wives recently showed naked in a publication, unimaginable for a wife of one of the most famous millionaires in the world. Who remembers perhaps a former wife of a great magnate has been photographed in studio to pose nude ?? They saw with Lady Di ?? Perhaps with the sadly famous Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy Onassis ?? Not really ?? While Jackie was tormented by Kennedy's infidelities, always behaved like a lady, same situation happened with Diana Frances Spencer Lady Diana or Lady Di, whose infidelities of her husband made a very troubled woman, but always like a lady !! We are no longer in the era of slavery where the racist toward blacks, they were treated as subhuman people of color and hung and burned and made all kinds of outrages with them without consequences of these atrocities Why ?? Because repeat were considered worse than animals, when faced Lincoln against the Southern states, famous even today for his deep hatred and racism (Texas for instance, that for a misdemeanor if you are Latino or if you're Mexican, shoot against you or put you in prison and you are sentenced to death) when Americans are imposed only a slight penalty fee and go free !! That deep hatred, this contempt for the human being, very marked in many of the inhabitants of USA, that racism degrades his own person produced historical atrocities that marked with wonder the bloodstained pages of that nation.

Today a group of countries, races, religions are watching what happens in the US, if it wins Hilary the country will travel in peace in their plans and projects; astound the world to have a woman in power, if he wins Trump all those who were offended prepare their mainly economic measures to not import more stuff USA, to block their access to markets, to isolate them from the world, with the obvious consequence that Americans they complain economic problems, if Trump comes to power, things are looking blacks for the whole country, I hope to you reflect and not close their eyes to the history of his own people, and learn from the mistakes made by other nations, for something Nazi Germany lost and is historically identified as responsible for the holcausto and mass murder of thousands of Jews, you want this historical responsibility in their hands ?? I think not, you meditate what I share ...

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